80+ Foods Beginning With T

T is the 20th letter of the alphabet and a popular first letter for many foods. This piece contains different foods beginning with T from different parts of the world.

Table of Contents

Popular Foods Beginning With T

Many popular foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter, and here are some of them:

  1. Tabasco sauce: A spicy sauce.
  2. Tapenade: A spread made of black olives, capers, and anchovies made into a puree.
  3. Tapioca: A starch extracted from cassava plants.
  4. Tea
  5. Teacake: A type of cake or cookie served with tea.
  6. Tenderloin: A meat from the loin muscle of cattle.
  7. Thyme
  8. Toast 
  9. Toblerone  
  10. Toffee 
  11. Trout: Cold freshwater fishes.
  12. Truffle 
  13. Tuna 
  14. Turmeric 
  15. Turnip 
  16. Twix 

Fruits Beginning With T

Many fruits foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter, and here are some of them:

  1. Tamarillo: A tropical South American edible egg-shaped red fruits.
  2. Tamarind: An edible tropical fruit native to the African continent.
  3. Tangelo: A hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit.
  4. Tangerine
  5. Tayberry: A dark red soft fruit produced by crossing a blackberry and raspberry.
  6. Teaberry: A berrylike red fruit with a spicy taste.

African Foods Beginning With T

Many African foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter, and here are some of them:

  1. Tabil: A Tunisian dish consisting of ground coriander seed, caraway seed, garlic powder, and chili powder.
  2. Tahini: A North African paste made from hulled sesame seed soaked in saltwater, toasted, and ground to produce an oily paste.
  3. Tajine: A Maghreb dish of slow-cooked stew made with tender meat, aromatic vegetables, and sauce cooked in a traditional tajine pot.
  4. Tapalapa bread: A West African traditional bread similar to a baguette eaten with butter as breakfast.
  5. Tapioca pudding: A sweet pudding made with tapioca, milk, or cream.
  6. Thieboudienne: A traditional Senegalese dish made with fish, rice, tomato sauce, and may also include onions, carrots, cabbage, cassava, and peanut oil.
  7. Tomato bredie: A stew made with mutton and seasoned with cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, and chili.
  8. Torta de gazpacho: A flat, round bread made with wheat flour without yeast.
  9. Toum: A garlic sauce made with garlic salt, olive oil, and lemon crushed using a wooden mortar and pestle.
  10. Tuwo shinkafa: A Northern Nigerian meal which is a thick pudding prepared with boiled rice, maize or millet rolled up into a ball.

Asian Foods Beginning With T

Many Asian foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter, and here are some of them:

  1. Tandoori chicken: A chicken dish prepared by roasting chicken marinated in yogurt and spices in a cylindrical clay oven.
  2. Tandoort Fish Tikka: Fish marinated in lime and ginger and cooked over an open fire.
  3. Tahu gejrot: A spicy Indonesian tofu dish food made of hallow tahu goring (fried tofu), cut into small pieces served with a thin, watery dressing made by blending palm sugar, vinegar, and sweet soy sauce.
  4. Tahu sumedang: An Indonesian deep-fried tofu dish.
  5. Takoyaki: A ball-shaped snack made from a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion.
  6. Tangbao: A large dumpling filled with chicken broth and pork.
  7. Tauge goring: A savory vegetarian dish made from stir-fried tauge (bean sprouts) with slices of tofu, ketupat, or long tong rice cake and yellow noodle served in a spicy oncom-based sauce.
  8. Theeyal: Kerala sauce made from a mixture of spices consisting of roasted coconut, coriander seeds, tamarind water, dried red chili, and fenugreek.
  9. Thengai sadam: Coconut rice.
  10. Theeyal: Kerala sauce made from a mixture of spices consisting of roasted
  11. Tokneneng: Hard-boiled chicken eggs covered with an orange-colored batter and deep-fried.
  12. Ttongppang: A pastry filled with red bean paste with walnut kernel.
  13. Tuna bun: A fish bun containing tuna paste.
  14. Turo: A type of banana fritter made with sliced bananas and other fruit slices put into a spring roll wrapper and rolled in sugar and deep-fried.

Caribbean Foods Beginning With T

Many Caribbean foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter, and here are some of them:

  1. Tamarind balls: A dish made by blending the pulp of tamarind and rolling them into small round balls sprinkled with sugar.
  2. Tassot: A traditional Haitian dish made with cubed goat meat marinated in a combination of onions, orange juice, and lemon juice fried until it’s crispy brown.
  3. Tchaka: A hearty Haitian stew made with dried corn, red beans, squash, and smoked pork.
  4. Trinidad pelau: A savory Trini dish of meat such as beef or chicken combined with rice, vegetables, fresh herbs, and coconut milk.
  5. Toto: A small coconut cake prepared with shredded coconut, brown sugar, flour, baking soda/powder, and coconut milk.
  6. Tripe and beans: A Jamaican dish made with tripe and onion beans served with small dumplings (spinners).

Continental Foods Starting with T

Many Continental foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter and here are some of them:

  1. Taco chips: Chips topped with taco mayonnaise, cheese, beef mince, tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
  2. Teacake: A fruited bun usually served toasted or buttered.
  3. Torte: A sweet baked dessert made with groundnuts in place of flour.
  4. Trdelnik: A pastry made by wrapping dough around a stick and roasting it over an open flame sprinkling with sugar and cinnamon.
  5. Treacle tart: Pastry shell filled with thick sweet treacle mixture.
  6. Trifle: Cold dessert with different ingredients often sponge fingers, fortified wine, jelly, custard, and whipped cream usually in layers.

Indian Foods Beginning With T

Many Indian foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter and here are some of them:

  1. Tahri: Basmati rice and potatoes flavored with turmeric and other spices.

Mexican Foods Starting with T

Many Mexican foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter and here are some of them:

  1. Tacos: A Mexican foiled tortilla often filled with potatoes, pork rind, beans, and picadillo.
  2. Taco al pastor: A taco made with spit-grilled pork.
  3. Tamales: A popular Mexican food made of cornmeal dough filled with meat or cheese, wrapped in a cornhusk before being steamed.
  4. Taquitos: A Mexican dish of a small-rolled up tortilla with a filling of beef, cheese, or chicken.
  5. Tlacoyo: An oval-shaped dish made of Masa, clacoyos, tlatloyos and tlaoyos.
  6. Tlayuda: A handmade dish consisting of a large, thin, crunchy partially fried or toasted tortilla covered with a spread of refried beans, unrefined pork lard, lettuce, avocado, meat (beef, chicken or pork), Oaxaca cheese and salsa.
  7. Tortas: Rolls cut to make thick sandwiches with various fillings including cheese, breaded chicken or pork, carnitas, or refried beans.
  8. Torta de huevo: A whipped egg and wheat-flour pancake topped with red chili and served with fiedo, quelites, and beans,
  9. Tortilla: A thin flatbread made from cornmeal or wheat flour.
  10. Tostada: A corn tortilla deep-fried until hard and crispy, covered with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and additional toppings such as sour cream and guacamole.
  11. Totopo: A flat, round, or triangular corn product similar to a tortilla but toasted, fried, or baked.
  12. Tripas: A Mexican cuisine made of the small intestines of farm animals, cleaned, boiled, and grilled, served dressed with condiments such as cilantro, chopped onions, and chile sauce.

Drinks Foods Beginning With T

Many Drinks foods are spelled with the letter T as their first letter, and here are some of them:

  1. Tamarindo: A drink made from boiled tamarind, liquefied, and mixed with sugar.
  2. Tejate: A non-alcoholic Mexican maize and cacao beverage.
  3. Tejuno: A cold Mexican beverage of fermented corn.
  4. Tepache: A fermented beverage made from the peel and rind of pineapples, sweetened with brown sugar and seasoned with powdered cinnamon served cold.
  5. Tequila: A distilled alcoholic drink.
  6. Tia Maria: A Jamaican coffee liqueur made with Jamaican rum and flavored with Jamaican coffee and vanilla beans from Madagascar.
  7. Tom and Jerry: A cocktail variant of eggnog with brandy and rum added, served hot in a mug or bowl.
  8. Tom Collins: A cocktail made from gin, lemon juice, sugar, and carbonated water.
  9. Tuba: A Mexican palm wine beverage.
  10. Tuxedo: A cocktail made of gin, dry Vermouth, orange bitter, maraschino, and Absinthe.

Mediterranean Foods Beginning With T

  1. Tahini: A thick paste made from ground sesame seeds.

We have compiled different popular foods, dishes, and recipes from various parts of the world, all starting with T. Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment with even more foods beginning with T.