20+ Foods Beginning With X

Are you looking for a helpful list of foods beginning with X?

Here is a list of foods/dishes, desserts, snacks, fruits and spices that start with the letter X. So, whether you’re researching cuisines, putting together a cookbook, or just out of sheer curiosity, we hope you find this list helpful!

Foods Beginning With X

This category contains mouth-watering dishes and desserts that are often prepared and eaten in some specific parts of the world more than others. Below is our compilation of dishes and desserts that start with the letter X:

  1. Xiu Mai: Another name for Vietnamese Meatballs, a delicious comfort food popularly eaten in Southern Vietnamese.
  2. Xacuti: A meal eaten by Indians and made with chilies, potatoes, chicken, and other spices.
  3. Xoi: The name given to a kind of sticky rice popular in Vietnam.
  4. Xavier Steak: A dish consisting of steak, cooked or canned asparagus, swiss cheese, or brown cheese.
  5. Xouba: A sardine-like fish commonly found in Spain.
  6. Xia Jiao: Delicious steamed Chinese prawn or shrimp dumplings.
  7. Xiang La Xia: Spicy stir-fried tiger prawns usually with ginger, garlic, chili bean paste, and chopped salted chilis.
  8. Xavier Soup: A nutritious Italian soup usually prepared with chicken stock.
  9. Xidoufen: A delicious Chinese soup prepared with a lot of vegetables and spices.
  10. Xi Gua Lao: A sweet-tasting and healthy jelly-like dessert made with watermelon, vanilla powder, agar, cherry, and sugar.
  11. Xocolatl Cupcake: A rich, delicious, and moist Mexican chocolate cupcake.
  12. Xiaolongbao: A Chinese steamed bun made with leavened or unleavened dough and meat.
  13. Xia: The word Shrimp in the Chinese language.
  14. Xingren Doufu: A jelly-like almond dessert famous as a Beijing cuisine.
  15. Xampinyons En Salsa: This is a mushroom sauce delicacy that is low in calories and very delicious.

Fruits and Spices Beginning With X

In this category, we’ve compiled the names of delicious fruits (often called superfoods because of their nutritional value) and popular spices/condiments used to prepare food. Here are fruits and spices that start with the letter X:

  1. Xigua: The Chinese name for watermelon.
  2. Xinomavro Grapes: A variety of grapes mostly found in Macedonia and often eaten raw or used in the production of wines.
  3. Xylocarp: The botanical name for a woody pericarp fruit, a species of mangrove found in different parts of the world.
  4. Xoconoztle/Xoconostle: A sour prickly pear popular in central Mexico.
  5. Xnipec: A kind of spicy salsa popularly eaten in Mexico.
  6. Xanthan Gum: A condiment extracted from fermented corn sugar and used in emulsifying, thickening, and substituting as a kind of gluten for gluten-free meals.
  7. Xacuti: A type of curry that is frequently used by Indians and especially for chicken or lamb.
  8. Ximenia Caffra: A tropical fruit common in southeast Africa and eaten raw or used for the production of dessert, jellies, and jam.
  9. Xylocarpus granatum: A botanical name for the cedar mangrove, which is a large smooth fruit that is rich in nutrients.
  10. Xylitol: A kind of sugar substitute which is obtained from the fibers of plants, with a taste and appearance similar to regular sugar but with lesser calories.
  11. XO Sauce: A spicy seafood sauce popularly used in Cantonese delicacies.

Are there other foods that start with the letter X but weren’t included in our list?

Be a darling and share them with us in the comments section below!